
Pipeline Safety Committee

GPA Midstream’s Pipeline Safety Committee monitors safety and legislative and regulatory pipeline issues, particularly those of the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and equivalent state agencies governing pipeline transport of natural gas and natural gas liquids.

Committee Leadership

Chair: Aaron Martinez, Marathon
Vice Chair: TBD
GPA Midstream Staff Liaison: Andrew Mooney

Typical Committee Member

Any employee of a GPA Midstream member company interested in participating in or learning more about midstream industry pipeline safety activities is welcome and encouraged to join this committee.

Products & Services

In a joint effort with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the Pipeline Safety Committee collected data from GPA Midstream member companies on gathering lines in Class 1 areas.

Visit the GPA Midstream Advocacy Comments Library to view GPA Midstream comments filed with federal agencies like the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, the Energy Information Agency and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Related Committees:

Advocacy Advisory Group

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Legislative Committee

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Environmental Committee

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Regulatory Committee

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